2013년 7월 1일 월요일

유적 사이트(Relic site) 리스트 - 이브온라인

유적 사이트는 고대인으로부터 오랫동안 방치된 고고학 사이트인데. 이 지역에 버려진 금속 물체들은 탐사용 스캔프로브를 사용해 워프 할 수 있는 충분한 양의 자기장을 방출한다.
이 곳에 널려있는 고대의 파편에 유물 분석기(Relic Analyzer)를 사용하여 유물을 추출한다. 황폐한 지역이지만 해적들이 근처에 잠복해 유물을 약탈해가니 주의를 바란다.

1 유적 사이트 목록(Relic Site List)
2 위치
3 로그 드론
4 웜홀지역

Relic Site List
뉴 에덴의 유적(Relic) 탐지신호
신호강도Angel CartelBlood RaidersGuristasSansha's NationSerpentis
High Sec
10.0%Crumbling Angel Antiquated OutpostCrumbling Blood Raider Antiquated OutpostCrumbling Guristas Antiquated OutpostCrumbling Sansha Antiquated OutpostCrumbling Serpentis Antiquated Outpost
10.0%Crumbling Angel ExcavationCrumbling Blood Raider ExcavationCrumbling Guristas ExcavationCrumbling Sansha ExcavationCrumbling Serpentis Excavation
10.0%Looted Angel Collision SiteLooted Blood Raider Collision SiteLooted Guristas Collision SiteLooted Sansha Collision SiteLooted Serpentis Collision Site
10.0%Looted Angel Explosive DebrisLooted Blood Raider Explosive DebrisLooted Guristas Explosive DebrisLooted Sansha Explosive DebrisLooted Serpentis Explosive Debris
5.0%Crumbling Angel Crystal QuarryCrumbling Blood Raider Crystal QuarryCrumbling Guristas Crystal QuarryCrumbling Sansha Crystal QuarryCrumbling Serpentis Crystal Quarry
5.0%Crumbling Angel Solar HarvestersCrumbling Blood Raider Solar HarvestersCrumbling Guristas Solar HarvestersCrumbling Sansha Solar HarvestersCrumbling Serpentis Solar Harvesters
5.0%Looted Angel Abandoned StationLooted Blood Raider Abandoned StationLooted Guristas Abandoned StationLooted Sansha Abandoned StationLooted Serpentis Abandoned Station
5.0%Looted Angel Battle RemnantsLooted Blood Raider Battle RemnantsLooted Guristas Battle RemnantsLooted Sansha Battle RemnantsLooted Serpentis Battle Remnants
2.5%Crumbling Angel Explosive DebrisCrumbling Blood Raider Explosive DebrisCrumbling Guristas Explosive DebrisCrumbling Sansha Explosive DebrisCrumbling Serpentis Explosive Debris
2.5%Crumbling Angel Stone FormationCrumbling Blood Raider Stone FormationCrumbling Guristas Stone FormationCrumbling Sansha Stone FormationCrumbling Serpentis Stone Formation
2.5%Looted Angel Lone VesselLooted Blood Raider Lone VesselLooted Guristas Lone VesselLooted Sansha Lone VesselLooted Serpentis Lone Vessel
2.5%Looted Angel Pod ClusterLooted Blood Raider Pod ClusterLooted Guristas Pod ClusterLooted Sansha Pod ClusterLooted Serpentis Pod Cluster
1.25%Crumbling Angel Abandoned ColonyCrumbling Blood Raider Abandoned ColonyCrumbling Guristas Abandoned ColonyCrumbling Sansha Abandoned ColonyCrumbling Serpentis Abandoned Colony
1.25%Crumbling Angel Mining InstallationCrumbling Blood Raider Mining InstallationCrumbling Guristas Mining InstallationCrumbling Sansha Mining InstallationCrumbling Serpentis Mining Installation
1.25%Looted Angel Ruined StationLooted Blood Raider Ruined StationLooted Guristas Ruined StationLooted Sansha Ruined StationLooted Serpentis Ruined Station
1.25%Looted Angel Ship GraveyardLooted Blood Raider Ship GraveyardLooted Guristas Ship GraveyardLooted Sansha Ship GraveyardLooted Serpentis Ship Graveyard
Low Sec
10.0%Decayed Angel ExcavationDecayed Blood Raider ExcavationDecayed Guristas ExcavationDecayed Sansha ExcavationDecayed Serpentis Excavation
10.0%Decayed Angel Particle AcceleratorDecayed Blood Raider Particle AcceleratorDecayed Guristas Particle AcceleratorDecayed Sansha Particle AcceleratorDecayed Serpentis Particle Accelerator
10.0%Ransacked Angel Explosive DebrisRansacked Blood Raider Explosive DebrisRansacked Guristas Explosive DebrisRansacked Sansha Explosive DebrisRansacked Serpentis Explosive Debris
10.0%Ransacked Angel Ship RemnantsRansacked Blood Raider Ship RemnantsRansacked Guristas Ship RemnantsRansacked Sansha Ship RemnantsRansacked Serpentis Ship Remnants
5.0%Decayed Angel Collision SiteDecayed Blood Raider Collision SiteDecayed Guristas Collision SiteDecayed Sansha Collision SiteDecayed Serpentis Collision Site
5.0%Decayed Angel Mass GraveDecayed Blood Raider Mass GraveDecayed Guristas Mass GraveDecayed Sansha Mass GraveDecayed Serpentis Mass Grave
5.0%Ransacked Angel Abandoned StationRansacked Blood Raider Abandoned StationRansacked Guristas Abandoned StationRansacked Sansha Abandoned StationRansacked Serpentis Abandoned Station
5.0%Ransacked Angel Dumped CargoRansacked Blood Raider Dumped CargoRansacked Guristas Dumped CargoRansacked Sansha Dumped CargoRansacked Serpentis Dumped Cargo
2.5%Decayed Angel Lone VesselDecayed Blood Raider Lone VesselDecayed Guristas Lone VesselDecayed Sansha Lone VesselDecayed Serpentis Lone Vessel
2.5%Decayed Angel Rock FormationsDecayed Blood Raider Rock FormationsDecayed Guristas Rock FormationsDecayed Sansha Rock FormationsDecayed Serpentis Rock Formations
2.5%Ransacked Angel Collision SiteRansacked Blood Raider Collision SiteRansacked Guristas Collision SiteRansacked Sansha Collision SiteRansacked Serpentis Collision Site
2.5%Ransacked Angel Demolished StationRansacked Blood Raider Demolished StationRansacked Guristas Demolished StationRansacked Sansha Demolished StationRansacked Serpentis Demolished Station
1.25%Decayed Angel Mining InstallationDecayed Blood Raider Mining InstallationDecayed Guristas Mining InstallationDecayed Sansha Mining InstallationDecayed Serpentis Mining Installation
1.25%Decayed Angel QuarryDecayed Blood Raider QuarryDecayed Guristas QuarryDecayed Sansha QuarryDecayed Serpentis Quarry
1.25%Ransacked Angel Ruined StationRansacked Blood Raider Ruined StationRansacked Guristas Ruined StationRansacked Sansha Ruined StationRansacked Serpentis Ruined Station
1.25%Ransacked Angel Ship GraveyardRansacked Blood Raider Ship GraveyardRansacked Guristas Ship GraveyardRansacked Sansha Ship GraveyardRansacked Serpentis Ship Graveyard
Null Sec
20.0%Pristine Angel Ship RemnantsPristine Blood Raider Ship RemnantsPristine Guristas Ship RemnantsPristine Sansha Ship RemnantsPristine Serpentis Ship Remnants
10.0%Pristine Angel Pod ClusterPristine Blood Raider Pod ClusterPristine Guristas Pod ClusterPristine Sansha Pod ClusterPristine Serpentis Pod Cluster
10.0%Ruined Angel Monument SiteRuined Blood Raider Monument SiteRuined Guristas Monument SiteRuined Sansha Monument SiteRuined Serpentis Monument Site
5.0%Pristine Angel Dumped CargoPristine Blood Raider Dumped CargoPristine Guristas Dumped CargoPristine Sansha Dumped CargoPristine Serpentis Dumped Cargo
5.0%Pristine Angel Abandoned ColonyPristine Blood Raider Abandoned ColonyPristine Guristas Abandoned ColonyPristine Sansha Abandoned ColonyPristine Serpentis Abandoned Colony
5.0%Ruined Angel Temple SiteRuined Blood Raider Temple SiteRuined Guristas Temple SiteRuined Sansha Temple SiteRuined Serpentis Temple Site
2.5%Pristine Angel Ship GraveyardPristine Blood Raider Ship GraveyardPristine Guristas Ship GraveyardPristine Sansha Ship GraveyardPristine Serpentis Ship Graveyard
2.5%Pristine Angel Collision SitePristine Blood Raider Collision SitePristine Guristas Collision SitePristine Sansha Collision SitePristine Serpentis Collision Site
2.5%Ruined Angel Science OutpostRuined Blood Raider Science OutpostRuined Guristas Science OutpostRuined Sansha Science OutpostRuined Serpentis Science Outpost
1.25%Pristine Angel Battle RemnantsPristine Blood Raider Battle RemnantsPristine Guristas Battle RemnantsPristine Sansha Battle RemnantsPristine Serpentis Battle Remnants
1.25%Pristine Angel Explosive DebrisPristine Blood Raider Explosive DebrisPristine Guristas Explosive DebrisPristine Sansha Explosive DebrisPristine Serpentis Explosive Debris
1.25%Ruined Angel Crystal QuarryRuined Blood Raider Crystal QuarryRuined Guristas Crystal QuarryRuined Sansha Crystal QuarryRuined Serpentis Crystal Quarry

내용을 클릭하면 세부사항을 알 수 있다.

유적 사이트는 팩션과 연관되어 있으며, 특정 지역(regions)에서 발견된다. 그 지역들(regions)은 다음과 같다.:
제국(Empire)Null Sec
Angel CartelHeimatarMetropolisMolden HeathImpassFeythabolisOmistTenerifisImmensea,
CurseScalding PassWicked Creek,DetoridInsmother,
 Great WildlandsCache
Blood RaidersAridiaGenesisKadorKhanidKor-AzorThe Bleak LandsDelveQueriousPeriod Basis
Guristas PiratesBlack RiseLonetrekThe CitadelThe ForgeTenalBranchVenalDekleinPure BlindGeminate,
Vale of the SilentTribute
Sansha's NationDerelikDevoidDomainTash-MurkonStainParagon SoulEsoteriaCatchProvidence
Serpentis CorporationEssenceEveryshorePlacidSinq LaisonSolitudeVerge VendorFadeOuter RingCloud RingSyndicateFountain
Rogue Drones제국의 전지역모든 지역, 특정 드론지역: Etherium Reach,
 The SpireOuter Passage,MalpaisThe Kalevala ExpansePerrigen FallsOasaCobalt Edge
내용을 클릭하면 세부사항을 알 수 있다.

로그 드론(Rogue Drones)
이 사이트들에 대해 알려진 정보는 부족하지만, 여기서 확실히, 로그드론은 널섹 영역의 해적들과 충돌하고 있다. 충돌지점으로 알려진 지역(regions)은 다음의 차트와 같다.
특정 유적(Relic) 탐지신호
Angel CartelBlood RaidersGuristasSansha's NationSerpentis
신호 강도이름지역(Region)이름지역
 ?Bloated RuinsWicked CreekForgotten RuinsDelve ?TenalAncient RuinsCatchFestering RuinsFountain
 ?Whispy RuinsFeythabolisCrumbling RuinsVale
of the Silent
Hidden RuinsCloud Ring
내용을 클릭하면 세부사항을 알 수 있다.

웜홀지역에도 유적(Relic) 사이트가 널려있는데, 고대의 슬리퍼(Sleeper)와 타로칸(Talocan) 종족도 같이 남겨져있다. 이런 유적에서는 T3 생산에 사용되는 가치있는 유물이 다수 남아있는데, 공포의 슬리퍼 드론들이 유적을 뒤지는 이방인을 공격하기 위해 순찰을 돈다.
이 웜홀 지역에서는 등급 시스템(Class System)에 따라 사이트를 알 수 있는데, 높은 등급 일수록 방어가 거세다. 모든 웜홀지역의 유적 사이트는 기본적으로 2.5%의 탐지강도를 가진다.
Anoikis의 Relic 탐지신호 
신호 강도Class 1Class 2Class 3
2.5%Forgotten Perimeter Coronation PlatformForgotten Perimeter GatewayForgotten Frontier Recursive Depot
2.5%Forgotten Perimeter Power ArrayForgotten Perimeter Habitation CoilsForgotten Frontier Quarantine Outpost
신호 강도Class 4Class 5Class 6
2.5%Forgotten Frontier Conversion ModuleForgotten Core Data FieldForgotten Core Assembly Hall
2.5%Forgotten Frontier Evacuation CenterForgotten Core Information PenForgotten Core Circuitry Disassembler
내용을 클릭하면 세부사항을 알 수 있다.
번역 : 홍보실

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